The Sobering Facts About Young Adults And Drugs/Alcohol

50% of college students binge drink, abuse prescription drugs and/or use illegal drugs.

1 in 4 college students are drug and/or alcohol dependent and over half will experiment.

Dependency and addiction can lead to poor grades, depression, sexual assault, prison and suicide.

Substance abuse causes more deaths and disabilities than any other cause in the United States.

Your easy 3 step process to peace of mind.

“Every parent who struggles with their child’s
alcohol abuse or drug addiction would give
anything to have known in time to prevent it.”
Dr. George B. Elder – Right Start Founder

Your Student Will Be Tempted:
Alcohol | Hydrocodone |
Marijuana | Hydromorphone |
Cocaine | Codeine |
Opiates | Phencyclidine (PCP) |
Heroin | Amphetamines |
Molly | Methamphetamine (Meth) |
6-MAM | MDMA - Ecstasy |
Morphine | MDEA - Eve |
Oxycodone | MDA |
Oxymorphone | Prescription Drugs |

The Right Start Offers:
- • The most accurate drug and alcohol test available
- • Confidential and private test results
- • Accountability, trust and transparency
- • A reason for your student to say "No"
- • Peace of mind for you as parents
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